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Cookie privacy GDPR

This information is provided in compliance with current legislation on protection of personal data and, in particular, under EU Regulation 2016/679 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data, and the free movement of such data (c.d. "Gdfri") and the Legislative. 196/2003 (Code regarding the protection of personal data, c.d. "Privacy Code") with reference to the processing of personal data of users who access the site (even the "Site")
This Privacy Policy is to describe in a simple and transparent to users what personal information is handled, for what purpose, by whom and in what manner, and inform them about the measures that are applied to protect their rights and freedoms. This Privacy Policy, therefore, only affects this Site and is also not provided for other third-party sites which may be accessed through links.

1. Data Controller
2. Purpose of treatment
3. Provision of personal data
4. What data is treated?
4.1 Navigation data
4.2.1 Data provided voluntarily by (communication)
4.2.2 Data provided voluntarily by (to receive communications for marketing and / or sales promotion)
4.3. Newsletter
4.4.1 Cookie
4.4.2 General Types of cookies used on the Site
4.4.3 Types of cookies used on the Site Specific
4.4.4 How to disable cookies?
5. data processing mode
6. To whom are they disclosed the data?
7. Changes to Privacy Policy
8. What are the rights of those concerned?
9. Right of revocation and opposition
10. Contact points

1. The data controllers

1. The data controller is Profumomaniaforever with registered office in Piazza Berti, 48026 Russians (OUT), email address:

2. Purpose of treatment

1. By accessing and browsing this Site, as well as using the services that are offered through the Site users, They can be collected and processed the information about users as natural persons identified or identifiable. If they are so purchases of personal data, same, in compliance with current legislation on personal data protection, It will be used solely to pursue the following objectives:
a) purposes related and / or instrumental to allow access to and use of the Site and its functionality;
b) for to implement a service or one or more contractually agreed operations;
c) to fulfill obligations which may be provided by law and by European legislation;
d) for reasons of operational, administrative and management and internal to the data relating to the services offered through the Site;
e) for purposes of a statistical nature, in a completely anonymous and aggregated form; the data collected for this purpose are collected as part of the normal navigation of the site, for more information please refer to art. 4.4.3;
2. In the case of explicit and voluntary expression of consent, Data will be processed for marketing and / or sales promotion, including of printed advertising material and / or digital, regarding the services and / or products offered by ProfumomaniaForever. More details are available by Article. 4.3.

3. Provision of personal data

1. The provision of personal data for the purposes of art. 2, comma 1, letters to), b), c) and d), e) It is mandatory only for the purposes indicated therein, as the legal basis of the treatment is the same run the services you request, the execution of any contractual obligations, or a legitimate interest of the owner. An eventual refusal to the relative processing may thus prevent, for example, the award or performance of contracts, compliance with legal obligations, the consultation of the site with all its functionality, the requested services; you can still see the site without providing any personal information, although certain features may not be available and some services not provided.
2. The provision of personal data for the processing activities for the purposes of Article. 2, comma 2, is optional, as the legal basis of the treatment in this case is the user's consent, always voluntary and optional. In the absence of explicit consent, these services will not be provided (you will not receive the newsletter) without further consequences. If the user does not intend to provide your consent for such purposes, You can also make use of the Site and Services for the purposes of Article. 2, comma 1, except as provided in the preceding paragraph.
3. The consequences of a refusal in the response or the performance will always be made explicit consent and connected to each service rendered: by way of example, a refusal to data processing may prevent the conclusion or the execution of contractual relationships, prevent the consultation of the Site and its functionalities (in the case of cookies) or receiving the newsletter (if the offer of the newsletter service). Therefore, the user to be adequately informed in the manner provided for each concrete case, but in any case you may consult the website also denying consent to the processing of personal data, where it is required; in such a case, certain features or characteristics of the site may be disabled.

4. What data is treated?

Depending on the service rendered, They can be processed personal data of different types, as specified in this Article.

4.1 Navigation data

The computer systems and software procedures used to operate this site acquire, during their normal operation, some personal data whose transmission is implicit in navigation of web sites.
This information is not collected to be associated with identified; however, by their very nature, could, through processing and association with data held by third parties, allow users to be identified. Among them are the IP addresses or domain names of computers used by users who connect to the Site, URL addresses of the required resources, the time of the request, the method used to submit the request to the server, the file size of the reply, the numerical code indicating the status of the response from the server and other parameters relating to the operating system and the user endeavored platform.
The above data are used only to obtain anonymous statistical information about the site and to check its correct operation; They are deleted immediately after processing. The data could be used to ascertain responsibility in case of hypothetical crimes against the site: except in this case, at present the data on web contacts do not persist for more than seven days. As for cookies, please refer to art. 4.4.1 e ss. following.

4.2.1 Data provided voluntarily by (communication)

The optional, explicit and voluntary communications by means of the contact forms on the Site (“form”) or e-mail addresses listed on this Site, It involves the acquisition of user data communicated, including your e-mail address, and consent to receive any response messages to their demands.
The personal data provided will be used only to satisfy or give feedback on submitted requests and will be disclosed to third parties only in case this is necessary for that purpose.

4.2.2 Data provided voluntarily by (to receive communications for marketing and / or sales promotion)

In the only case in which the personal data (in particular, e-mail address and telephone number) They are provided by the person concerned in the context of a service requested by the, so the data provided will be used to send, e-mail communications and / or telephone related services similar to those requested by the user, pursuant to Article. 130, comma 4, d.lgs. 196/2003, without the need to express and prior consent (c.d. soft spam). Any communication, anyway, It is recalled that the user can withdraw consent at any time and without formalities. The data is deleted at the request.

4.3. Newsletter

The Profumomaniaforever newsletter is sent by email to those who require them explicitly, filling out the form on the site and authorizing Profumomaniaforever to the processing of personal data for the above mentioned purpose.
Consent: The provision of data is required only for the purpose of receiving the newsletter and the refusal will result in the impossibility to use the service, without further consequences.
Purposes: The personal information provided by users will be used only to send the newsletter and will not be disclosed to third parties.
mode: The collected data will be processed by computer; in order to prevent loss, the unlawful use or incorrect or to prevent unauthorized access to the Site, They have taken special security measures.
Removal from Service: to stop receiving the newsletter, simply select the link for cancellation, present at the end of each e-mail, or send a specific request to the e-mail
Cancellation is managed in an automated way, so additional newsletters may be received in a period subsequent to the request, but no later than the 72 hours after the annulment, and the sending of which had been planned before the receipt of the cancellation request.

4.4.1 Cookie

Cookies are pieces of information stored by your browser when you visit a web site with any suitable device (as a pc, uno smartphone o un tablet). Each cookie contains different data (the art., the name of the server from which it comes, a numeric identifier, etc.), It can remain in the system for the duration of a session (until you close your browser) or for long periods and can contain a unique identification code.

What are they for? Cookies are used for different purposes depending on their type: some are strictly necessary for the proper functionality of a Website (technical cookies), while others optimize their performance in order to offer a better experience to the user or allow you to capture statistics regarding use of the Site, come i cookie analytics, or allow you to display advertising, like profiling cookies.
Consent: the eventual performance of the user's consent is stored, by means of a technical cookie, having a duration of 12 months. The user is informed both by short informative (banner displayed until it is not paid or denied consent, as explained in paragraph 4.3.4. "How to disable cookies?”) either by this statement extended; Furthermore, in paragraph 4.3.3 are links to the privacy policy of the third party, also for the purposes of their disabling (where directly available through the same).
How to disable? You can disable cookies or by your browser settings (art. 4.3.4. "How to disable cookies?”) both through the mechanisms made available by some third party (art. 4.3.3 "Cookies used on the Site").

4.4.2 General Types of cookies used on the Site

technical Cookies: they are essential for the proper operation of the site (the art., It can authenticate to the site and facilitate the purchase of products).
analytical Cookies (first part): They are used for aggregate analysis of the site visits.
analytical Cookies (Part Three): They are used for aggregate analysis of the site visits, by recourse to a third-party service.
profiling cookies or other advertising (third parts): They are used to serve advertisements, Also based on your interests. These cookies are installed by third parties. The names of third parties and links to related information available to next paragraph. Anyhow, these cookies, and information acquired by them, no account are matched to user Profumomaniaforever.

4.4.3 Types of cookies used on the Site Specific

Name Origin duration Purposes Location
frontend Profumomaniaforever Session CMS Cookie Service (of the site's content management system) All Pages
_ga Part Three(Google Analytics) 2 years after the first installation or upgrade. Collect statistics on the visit All Pages
_dc_gtm_UA-193199-1 Part Three(Google Tag Manager) Session Activate Javascript other TAG All Pages Part Three (Google Inc.) 2 years after the first installation or upgrade. Collect data on geographical origin, age and interests. All Pages
Criteo Part Three (CIL-Criteo) Cf.. privacy policy Criteo. Collect data from the navigation for advertising purposes. All Pages
_atuvc AddThis Cf.. privacy policy AddThis Sharing via social networks All Pages

4.4.4 How to disable cookies?

Control via browser: The commonly used browsers (the art., Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome, Safari) accept cookies by default, but this setting can be changed by the user at any time. This applies both for PCs and for mobile devices such as tablets and smartphones: It is a generally and widely supported function.
Therefore, cookies can easily be disabled or turned off by going to the options or preferences of the browser used and generally can be blocked only third-party cookies; generally, these options will only apply to the browser and on that device, unless they are active options to unify the preferences of different devices. Specific instructions can be found in the options page or help (help) the same browser. Disabling cookies technical, however, It may affect the full and / or proper operation of several sites, including this Site.
The norm, browsers used today:
– offer the "Do not track" option, which is supported by some web sites (but not all). In tal modo, some web sites may not collect more certain navigation data;
– They offer private browsing option or incognito: thus they will not be collected data in the browser and will not be saved to your browsing history, but the navigation data will still be acquired by the website manager visited;
– allow you to delete cookies stored in whole or in part, but new visits to a website are usually installed where such a possibility is not blocked.
They indicate the links to the support pages of the most popular browsers (with instructions on disabling cookies on this browser):
– Firefox ( e disattivare i cookie);
– Internet Explorer (;
– Safari (iOS)( );
– Chrome (desktop:; Android e iOS
Third-party cookies: of the third-party cookies can be disabled with both the above-described mode is referring to each third party (following the links in the above paragraph).
Online tools: it is reported that the Site you can not only gain more information about cookies, but also verify the installation of several cookies on their browser / device, where supported, also disable.

5. data processing mode

1. The personal data is processed lawfully and fairly and used only for the purposes indicated by Article. 2. The treatment will be done through instruments that guarantee security and confidentiality of personal data and using automated tools to store, manage and transmit the data. Specific security measures are taken to prevent data loss and reduce the risk of misuse or improper and unauthorized access.
2. The personal data will be kept for the time prescribed by law and, anyhow, for the time necessary to give effect to the activities for which it was collected and / or up to the revocation of the consent for the purposes of Article. 2, comma 2.

6. To those who may be informed of the data collected?

1. Treatment related to this Site web services take place at the headquarters of Profumomaniaforever and are only handled by technical staff specifically in charge of processing, internal and / or external to the same. In particular, where necessary only with the consent, the data may be disclosed to third parties whose Profumomaniaforever collaboration can and / or will use for the performance of services offered. The data collected via web, or otherwise arising from the web service, may be communicated to the technological and instrumental partner of which the owner uses for the provision of services required by users increasingly in compliance with the purposes indicated in article. 2. A tal fine, individuals who will have access to personal data will be specifically authorized by the Controller and the processing, if you had, appointed as Data Processors, in accordance with Articles. 28 e 29 of the GDPR.
2. Data collected for the purposes described above may also be disclosed to associates or members of the same group of the owner and to parties for this purpose authorized by law and European law.
3. A list of subjects to which the holder communicates the personal data collected for the above purposes, and is available for inspection at the premises of the owner and may be requested at the address listed.

7. Changes to Privacy Policy

This privacy policy may be changed, also as a consequence of laws or regulations modifications, technological developments and provision of new services or changes to those already made. It therefore invites the user / visitor / customer to regularly check the privacy policy of Profumomaniaforever.

8. What are the rights of those concerned?

1. The data subject is the natural person, identified or identifiable, which refer the personal data undergoing processing, and, therefore, the user who accesses the website and who registers to attend the virtual league.
2. Each person concerned is given the right of access at all times to the data concerning him processed by co-Holders (right of access) in order to verify the correctness and to verify the legality of the treatments carried out. The person concerned may exercise all rights recognized by law, national and European, on the protection of personal data (by Legislative Decree. 196/2003 and Reg. UE n. 2016/679 and subsequent modifications and integrations): in particular, may at any time request the correction and updating of incorrect or inaccurate data, the limitation of processing carried out and the cancellation of the same (right to be forgotten), and propose a complaint to the Guarantor Authority for the protection of personal data.
3. With reference to the personal data processed by automated means, the interested party may also receive in a structured format and common use of the data concerning him and transmit, eventually, to another holder of the treatment (right to data portability).

9. Right of revocation and opposition

1. Each person concerned is also entitled to revoke at any time the consent given, without prejudice to the permissibility of the processing carried out by the holder before such revocation.
2. The person is also increasingly recognized the opportunity to object to the processing of data concerning him if it were carried out for direct marketing purposes by the Owner; in this case its data will no longer be subject to processing for such purposes, depending on the specific consent previously released, by the Holders or any third party (right to object).

10. Contact points

Any request regarding the processing of personal data and all communication concerning the exercise of their rights will be given to the owner by sending an e-mail communication, at, or by post to Profumeria Italiana, Berti Square, 48026 Russians (OUT).

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